Swim With Manatees: A Gentle Adventure With Florida’s Beloved Giants In Crystal River, Fl. we have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of floating alongside one of nature’s most gentle creatures, the Florida Manatee. During the winter months, the manatees sneak...
Book Now Scallop Season 2023 Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure in 2023? Then pack your bags and head to Crystal River for the ultimate scalloping experience! Crystal River is a picturesque coastal town located in Citrus County Florida, known for its...
Save Crystal River “Kings Bay Restoration Update” A 501c3 organization, Save Crystal River, is “restoring Florida, one blade of grass at a time”. After pioneering the King’s Bay Restoration Project for the Crystal River area, the organization partnered with Sea...
Three Sisters Closed for Restoration In other important Kings Bay news: Three Sisters is scheduled to be closed from April 1st to November 2023 for a Canal Stabilization Project. The goal of the project is to restore critical habitats in the bay and prevent...