Three Sisters Closed for Restoration
In other important Kings Bay news: Three Sisters is scheduled to be closed from April 1st to November 2023 for a Canal Stabilization Project. The goal of the project is to restore critical habitats in the bay and prevent sediment erosion. “During construction, the spring run entrance will be closed to kayaks and swimming, and land-based visitation to the Three Sisters property will be suspended. This closure is necessary to protect in-water recreational users and Refuge visitors from conflicts with construction” (Three Sister Springs, 2023). Due to a closure of this nature, we will not be able to kayak into Three Sister Springs until April 1, 2024 as restoration is scheduled to continue into this upcoming November and align with the next Manatee Season. Snorkelers will have a chance of seeing the back springs once it opens for Manatee Season, November 2023!